Mr. Anil Kumar A
Mr. Anil Kumar is the co-founder of Meenakshi Build world, leading the in-house design and innovation wing. An entrepreneur from an early age, his groundbreaking service began in his horamavu Branch, creating a fresh product appeal for builders and people around Bangalore. He is involved in crafting the company business development, shaping the design aesthetic, and innovating future growth opportunities.
Mr. Naresh Kumar A
Mr. Naresh Kumar Spearheaded Meenakshi Build world in 1996. A industry expert with over 21 years of varied experience, have overseen various up-gradations and modifications,. The Hennur road modern show room is his brain child.

One stop experience in variety of somany products.
Mr. Naresh Kumar Spearheaded Meenakshi Build world in 1996. A industry expert with over 21 years of varied experience, have overseen various up-gradations and modifications,. The Hennur road modern show room is his brain child.
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